'cause belts 'n cuffs are my favourite stuff, I present to you eclectic cut's clinchers' and wrist cuffs. These clinchers with its classy tarnished gold and leather rock babe sensibilities can never go wrong. I love it that these have texture like real leather and are not just block colours. Available in hot red, light brown and creamy cream, take your pick. As for cuffs, I've had a love affair with wrist cuffs for about 5 years now and these black and white rubic cube-ish wrist cuffs are the type every cuffs lover needs - They match everything and depending on your outfit, they can go the range from motley crue to avril lavigne. All these are imported from Singapore too, yesh.
Eclectic Cut's clinchers (SOLD OUT)
Colors: Light brown, cream & hot red
Fits: From 1st hole-last, 24inches-28inches. But it's elastic so reckon 30inches can fit too.
Price: RM29

Eclectic Cut's Cuffs
Colors: Black (Sold), White, black/white
Fits: Every one and any one
Price: RM25 Now RM12